
IC4S 2020 will be an online conference


EAI International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (Author fee) USD 375
EAI International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Cyber Physical Systems (Non-author fee) USD 135

Students and Co-Authors of already registered papers can request full discounts for registration by contacting the Conference Manager at [email protected]

All fees will be collected in US dollars.

Important notes:
 Refunds and invoice amendments are subject to a processing fee.
Student registration does not allow for camera-ready paper upload

You can benefit from EAI member rates by becoming a member. EAI Membership is free.


General information

    • Access to the Keynote day in the form of a live stream;
    • Access to all technical sessions of all the Convention conferences in the form of a live stream,
    • Inclusion of paper in conference proceedings;
    • Live online discussion reserved for participants and supported for weeks after the conference ends,
    • Opportunity to get in touch with authors and presenters individually via EAI Compass,
    • Full downloadable pdfs of all presenting papers,
  • Co-Author and Student FREE SIGN UP:
    • Access to the Keynote day in the form of a live stream;
    • Access to all technical sessions of all the Convention conferences in the form of a live stream,
    • Online discussion for each individual presentation reserved for participants and supported for weeks after the conference ends,